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Eight tips to roll a service or app into an AWS deployment


Get your hands on the AWS free tier

Source:  Akindo/Getty Images
Visual Editor: Sarah Evans

Complex enterprise workloads make it tricky to assemble diverse cloud services into a cohesive, efficient, scalable and cost-effective architecture. While it's important to put aside time to properly prepare for a move to the cloud, AWS attempts to ease that process in several ways.

Before you migrate a new workload or incorporate a new service into your AWS deployment, consult Amazon's extensive documentation. AWS' free tier of service can also help you test and refine your environment. These approaches reduce errors before workloads hit the production stage.

Take the time to experiment beyond AWS' free tier of service, as this type of practice can offer benefits beyond catching and remediating errors. Test your deployment to improve performance measurement and optimization. This way, a business can ensure it collects the proper level of management data, and can then experiment with different configurations and load levels.

Tests can also help optimize AWS costs, as they can prevent overspending on services that don't significantly help performance.

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